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Avatar's Conquest

Between October 2023 and January 2024, I embarked on my first semester project alongside fellow students in my Game Design & Development bachelor's program. Our objective was to create a prototype for a transmedial tabletop game, resulting in a Catan-inspired game set in the "Avatar: The Last Airbender" universe.

Playable with two to four participants, the game revolves around accumulating a specified number of victory points. Throughout gameplay, three quests are unveiled, requiring completion to earn victory points. These quests can be fulfilled through resource payment, trading, or constructing structures.

Taking on the role of project manager, I applied my organizational skills to oversee project development. Collaborating within a team of five, we adopted Scrum as our process model for effective coordination. As gameplay fundamentals solidified, we divided our game design efforts into playful and narrative aspects. I contributed to the narrative game design team, focusing on enhancing the game's immersion.

Additionally, I managed the layout of our maps and oversaw the physical production of game materials, which involved tasks such as [3D] printing, painting, cutting, sleeving, and gluing.


Project Lead & Game Designer


In the world of "Avatar: The Last Airbender," prior to Avatar Aang's birth, cults existed in all four nations, venerating the last Avatar of their respective nation. These cults, driven by a desire to preserve their Avatar's memory, engaged in competition, erecting statues and temples in their honor. Their ultimate aim is to expand their cults, aspiring to construct the next wonder of the world.







Project Lead

Daniel Gleich


Celina Katsimenis, Tim Lange

Game Design

Amerigo Domscheit, Amel Fajic, Daniel Gleich, Celina Katsimenis, Tim Lange


Amerigo Domscheit, Daniel Gleich, Tim Lange

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